Our plan of marketing freedom by google marketing and mass media in Europe

Market information distribution is affected by the google marketers on search engine and mass media’s posting on news platforms. The business fictions and fake news are usually more interesting than a real information and as usually we have the difficulties to write, explain, save and storing distribute informations. The original informations is occulted by chaos and miss-informations including the non-sense content of many journalists just typing something without really know or proof of informations.

Dr Francesco Dergano
4 min readJul 25, 2020

The main platform that peoples using to search or promote informations or to arrange markets and software’s applications technologies are the search engines.

To debrief you what is a search engine, it is an application crawling and filtering World Wide Web (www) online servers addresses, showing you the preview of it’s content where webmasters ordering the order of the server addresses and content of the servers.

Geolocation is the method to distribute servers addresses and users searching informations.

The most used search engine are Google Search, Google Play Store, iOS App Store, Facebook, Amazon Music, Instagram, etc..;

In our case we talking about a generic search engine such google search, bing/yahoo search, CC Search, Swisscows, etc..;

The Google Search is the main source of generic informations because of over 20 years of free business information and GPS Mapping services that world population using to their searches.

What are the problem of distribute informations?

Normally is an habit of mass media distributions, softwares distributions, social media distributions, and many kind of business distributions to use google search only or as main source because of the traffic of the google users. It is clear, if you not using google you not visible or you look bad “you can’t sell anything”.

In our case we talking about the business in provide and sell informations thru the mass media and social media.

To debrief what is a mass media business, is a way of expose, explain and distribute informations thru a satellite signal direct to a Radio player or a TV device that can be also replaced or replicate by softwares applications. The Radio is an audio only distribution and the TV is a video/audio distribution. The reaches traffic is what make this business really interesting.

The problem start once you want to distribute informations, the mass media requirements are the public figure of yourself and business and availability of your specific business informations distribution. The concept of the hater is quite simple nobody want you to become a public figure or a good looking business identity or person on social media and search engines.

To debrief what is a social media, is a free way to distribute files and informations sharing content on timelines that everyone can use. Many people are convinced that a blogging activity is required to reach followers to provide a large number of reactions that make the person interesting. We really realized that nobody is really interesting, not even with a really interesting material for a specific information development, mostly users usually tricking the social media with fake followers and reactions to keep their social presence up to the business requirements of their job.

Mostly, more people seeing you, more are the possibility to get real users following you to stay in the concepts.

Our project of distribute informations

We developing a social media, a search engine and a mass media in order to obtain freedom by foreign platforms and business of informations distributions, we really work in a way that 3th parties interactions is not necessary or useful for our distribution or even more damaging our main sharing activity.

The social media “Type Something”, which user are able to a 300 words chat section, a 5000 words timeline section, a 2000 words post multimedia shares section, and a 2MB PDF, DOC, TXT, XML files section.

The social media will have several features for Data Premium to post live videos and unlimited content, several features to promote their company or personal website or social account including shared material.

We launching Media Press platform Media Kit to plug journals to FXFX Radio editorial.

How it works? FXFX Radio on 11.101mhz station we will promote news and informations on politics, business and global finances. Radio will release news on the journal, and the journal take the users to others journals plugged to different news. In order to keep the main information the politics and the finance.

We launching also “Score..” Search Engine to replace and simplify google search which people and businesses are able to request the keywords providing ID or registering their business to move and provide their own informations correctly, without tirtd parties interactions. Generic keywords are free to anyone or to the government employees, it depends to the policy development.

How it works? “Score..” will display a search bar, the official gazette of the government by geolocalization, the FX journal with the plugged journals by geolocalization or search, the scanner translator and several translation features, the GPSMaps Softwares, the panel admin to businesses or people requesting the webmaster administration that include the public figure panel in case the person or business has several news, the business location, the chart option for data engineers, many others small features.

A cybercrime center with advanced hardware for digital forensics and data hacking. The project is made to hide criminal marketers and cyber criminals hiding informations and manipulating tirth parties informations.

In Conclusion

Even if the idea is totally unclear right now because of many situations going on, softwares are already available, and we clearly finished.

We found many difficulties with the data center hardwares on sale and the outlaws situations going on because the COVID-19 typical answer of many companies and government employees.

We working for the realization of the project in order to be able in marketing our campaigns again.



Dr Francesco Dergano

CEO of @skydatasol (dormant) — Principal of @kamiwebproject — Lead Research Manager of The Antarctic National Security Framework — Full-Time Student