Multi-Location Global Supply Chain Management vs National Supply Chain Global Source Based
Multi-Locations Global Companies are usually using private references, website contacts or web binaries conferencing business developing contracts of distributions; marketing standards, a quality register trademark (R) brand and a branded international distribution is required to arrange credibility.
Global Sources instead, are based business-to-business (B2B) multichannel intermediaries web-platforms facilitating marketing and financial insurances; It offer trade and meetings from buyers to sellers using instant messaging thru business developers. The Global Sources provides sourcing information to volume buyers and integrated marketing services to suppliers. In addition, the remote assistants verifies the quality of the manufacturer and quality of company informations to perform a professional overview of the suppliers. The contract agreement within parties can be done taking appointments in person or via internet by private meeting rooms and private messaging applications such Skype, GoToMeeting, WhatsApp, etc.., small trades or samples are usually trusted by payments in advanced. The suppliers are able to hide the company information and media after the sale of the monthly production.
In Conclusion
Nobody deny to you to use both methods of trade negotiations, basically the issue is on the marketing budgets, the government and the competitors marketing competitions on search engines and journalisms are quite expansive, the suggestion is to avoid the marketing costs using global sources (B2B) platforms to acquire visibility while you have interesting materials; the international management is quite difficult also with the efficiency Business and Marketing Analytics; if your desire is the business freedom on your company decisions we suggest you to avoid multinational locations, to focus on the quality business travelling-receiving-reconcilement for your business development (TRR Business Programs), and to focus in matching the right suppliers or distributors working for your needs.
Note also the penalties of the (Chief Executive Officer) CEO position while a Business Executive is more workful for a better negotiation, income and free willing.