BIM Implementation Planning in Constructions

Abstract: This handy guide is your quick reference to some of the key terms which are commonly used in describing BIM and its related processes, as well as your link to the key standards. If you or an organization you work with are using BIM, these terms will be familiar. This guide can be used by organizations across the supply chain. The global adoption of BIM continues to accelerate. Since the publication of the international standard ISO 19650, it is vital you understand the principles of information management.

Dr Francesco Dergano
13 min readFeb 15, 2023


BIM (Building Information Modeling) implementation planning refers to the process of developing a structured approach for adopting and integrating BIM technologies and workflows into a construction project or organization. BIM is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure, allowing for enhanced collaboration, coordination, and communication among project stakeholders.

Here are the key steps involved in BIM implementation planning:

Define objectives: Clearly establish the goals and objectives of implementing BIM within the organization or project. This could include improving project efficiency, reducing errors, enhancing collaboration, or maximizing cost savings.

Assess current capabilities: Evaluate the organization’s or project’s existing technological infrastructure, software, and skill sets related to BIM. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement that need to be addressed during the implementation process.

Allocate resources: Determine the necessary resources, including budget, hardware, software, and human resources, required for successful BIM implementation. This involves identifying the appropriate BIM tools and technologies that align with the organization’s or project’s needs and goals.

Develop a BIM execution plan: Create a comprehensive plan that outlines how BIM will be implemented throughout the project or organization. This plan should define the BIM processes, standards, and protocols to be followed, as well as establish roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder involved in the BIM implementation.

Establish BIM standards: Define and communicate the BIM standards that will be used across the project or organization. This includes guidelines for model creation, naming conventions, file organization, data exchange formats, and level of detail (LOD) requirements. Standardizing these processes ensures consistency and improves collaboration.

Provide training and support: Conduct training programs to educate the team members on BIM concepts, tools, and workflows. This helps to build the necessary skills and competencies required to work effectively with BIM. Additionally, provide ongoing technical support to address any issues or challenges faced during the implementation phase.

Pilot projects: Begin the implementation process by selecting a small-scale pilot project to test and refine the BIM implementation plan. This allows for the identification of any potential issues, provides an opportunity for feedback, and helps validate the effectiveness of the implemented BIM workflows.

Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the progress of the BIM implementation and evaluate its impact on project performance. Regularly assess the benefits, challenges, and lessons learned during the implementation process. This enables adjustments to be made to the plan and ensures continuous improvement throughout the project or organization.

Expand implementation: Once the pilot project is successfully completed, expand the implementation of BIM to larger and more complex projects or throughout the entire organization. Apply the lessons learned from the pilot phase to streamline the implementation process and enhance overall effectiveness.

Continuous improvement: BIM implementation is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation. Regularly update the BIM execution plan, standards, and workflows based on feedback, new technologies, and industry best practices to optimize the benefits of BIM throughout the project or organization.

By following these steps and considering the unique requirements of the project or organization, a successful BIM implementation plan can be developed and executed, resulting in improved project outcomes and increased efficiency in the construction industry.

Core BIM standards

Core BIM (Building Information Modeling) standards refer to a set of guidelines and protocols that define the consistent and structured use of BIM within the construction industry. These standards ensure interoperability, data exchange, and collaboration among different project stakeholders. Here are some of the core BIM standards commonly used:

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC): IFC is an open standard data model developed by BuildingSMART that facilitates the exchange and sharing of BIM data between different software applications. It defines a common language for describing building and construction industry data, allowing interoperability and compatibility between various BIM software platforms.

COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange): COBie is a data exchange standard that enables the collection and delivery of structured information about a facility’s assets throughout its lifecycle. It specifies the format and structure for capturing and organizing information such as equipment lists, warranties, maintenance schedules, and product data sheets.

National BIM Standards (such as NBIMS, UK BIM Level 2, and Singapore BIM e-Submission): Many countries and regions have developed their own BIM standards to establish consistent practices and requirements for BIM implementation. These standards often include guidelines for model creation, file naming conventions, LOD (Level of Detail) definitions, data exchange formats, and collaboration protocols specific to their respective jurisdictions.

Classification Systems (such as Uniformat, OmniClass, and MasterFormat): Classification systems provide a standardized framework for organizing and categorizing building information. They enable consistent classification and grouping of building components, systems, and materials, which helps in data management, cost estimation, and facility management activities.

Open BIM Collaboration Format (BCF): BCF is a format that facilitates communication and issue tracking in BIM projects. It allows project stakeholders to exchange information related to clashes, conflicts, and design issues within the BIM environment, regardless of the software they are using. BCF files can be imported into various BIM applications, streamlining the coordination and resolution of design and construction issues.

ISO 19650: ISO 19650 is an international standard for BIM that provides guidance on the organization and management of information throughout the entire lifecycle of a built asset. It covers aspects such as information management, collaboration, and BIM execution planning, aiming to improve consistency and efficiency in BIM implementation.

These core BIM standards serve as a foundation for establishing consistent practices, data exchange, and collaboration in the BIM environment. They promote interoperability, reduce inefficiencies, and enhance communication among project stakeholders, leading to improved project outcomes and increased productivity in the construction industry.

BIM guiding principles

BIM (Building Information Modeling) guiding principles are fundamental concepts and philosophies that serve as a framework for the effective implementation and utilization of BIM within the construction industry. These principles guide the decision-making process, establish best practices, and ensure the successful adoption of BIM methodologies. Here are some key BIM guiding principles:

Collaboration and Integration: BIM emphasizes collaborative workflows and integration among project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and facility managers. The principle of collaboration promotes effective communication, coordination, and teamwork throughout all stages of the project, facilitating better decision-making and reducing errors.

Data-Centric Approach: BIM is centered around data, where information about the building or infrastructure project is created, stored, and managed digitally. The principle of a data-centric approach emphasizes the accurate and structured collection, organization, and sharing of project information throughout its lifecycle. This includes 3D geometric models, specifications, schedules, cost data, and other relevant documentation.

Lifecycle Perspective: BIM encourages a holistic and comprehensive view of the building’s lifecycle, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. The principle of a lifecycle perspective means that BIM data should be created and structured in a way that supports the ongoing management and maintenance of the built asset, enabling informed decisions throughout its entire lifespan.

Standardization and Interoperability: BIM guiding principles promote the use of standards and protocols to ensure consistency, interoperability, and seamless exchange of information between different software platforms and project stakeholders. Following standardized formats for data exchange, file naming conventions, classification systems, and BIM object libraries enhances collaboration and data integration.

Level of Detail (LOD) and Information Requirements: BIM guiding principles emphasize the definition and management of Level of Detail (LOD) and information requirements. LOD defines the level of development or detail of the BIM models and the associated information at different project stages. Establishing clear LOD requirements ensures that the right level of information is available at the appropriate project phase, supporting decision-making and reducing ambiguity.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation: BIM is an evolving field, and the guiding principles emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and innovation. This involves staying updated with emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices to enhance project outcomes, efficiency, and productivity. It also encourages the adoption of new tools and techniques that improve collaboration, visualization, analysis, and simulation within the BIM environment.

Knowledge Sharing and Learning: BIM guiding principles promote the sharing of knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned across the industry. Collaboration platforms, forums, and communities enable professionals to exchange insights, challenges, and solutions, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement in BIM implementation.

By adhering to these guiding principles, organizations and professionals can effectively leverage the capabilities of BIM to improve project outcomes, increase efficiency, and enhance collaboration within the construction industry. These principles provide a solid foundation for successful BIM implementation and promote a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

BIM has introduced some new principles in how assets should be designed, built and operated in order to best realize the potential benefits offered by this new way of working.

People, processes and technology

BIM is not just about technology; it’s a new way of designing, constructing and managing assets enabled by the use of technology. Equally, if not more fundamental than technology is the set of processes that should be followed (outlined within the ISO 19650 and BS/PAS 1192 series of standards) as well as the change in working practices at an operations level. This is best exemplified by the need for a collaborative approach across the supply chain.

Collaborative engagement

One of the key success indicators of a project using BIM is the degree to which the supply chain has worked in collaboration to meet the project/asset needs. This means working openly as well as sharing information and experience with supply chain members in a way that encourages collective problem solving and coordination.

Start with the end in mind

A key problem that is addressed by using BIM is the issue of rushed decisions being made with insufficient and/or incorrect information. Starting with the end in mind, these decisions are pushed “up-stream” so that they are better informed and do not present themselves unexpectedly. Examples of this include; completing all principle design work and coordination before the commencement of construction, and ensuring that design decisions are being made across the entire delivery phase with respect to the operational performance and utilization of the asset (BS 8536).

Digital asset

It’s becoming increasingly recognized that monetary value is not solely attributed to the physical asset, but also attributed to the representation of that asset, in other words, the collective sum of all data/information describing the physical asset. Knowing that this digital asset accurately represents the physical asset; design, construction and operating decisions can be optimized.

Holistic approach to security

Once it has been identified what needs to be protected and the threats and consequences associated to this, (in order to ensure the security of a sensitive asset and sensitive information) a holistic approach should be adopted covering people, process, technological security and physical security.

Terms and abbreviations

There are many terms which form part of the BIM language. Whilst not exhaustive, here are some of the common ones to look out for.

CDE Common Data Environment

A workflow to control the single source of information for any given project or asset. Used to manage the collection and dissemination of all relevant approved project/asset information.

Used in combination with a digital storage solution, information is shared collaboratively in a logical and accessible way to help all key parties readily gain access to information, using consistent naming conventions, avoiding duplication and retaining ownership.

Status code

This is a meta-data field within the CDE workflow which is used to describe the suitability of the information to which the status code is assigned. The status code identifies the permitted use of the information and can be used to help facilitate specific workflows.

OIR Organization Information Requirements

This specifies what information is required to achieve an organization’s strategic objectives in relation to business operation, asset management, portfolio planning etc. The OIR may be developed from an ISO 55001 asset management system.

AIR Asset Information Requirements

This defines the information that is required, and the managerial and technical aspects of producing this information, for the operation of an asset.

EIR Exchange Information Requirements

This specifies the information that is required related to a specific appointment (contract). It includes responsibility, timescales, format and level of information need of the project information; consisting of the relevant information requirements from the OIRs, AIRs and PIRs.

PIR Project’s Information Requirements

This specifies the information that is required related to a specific project; consisting of the relevant information requirements from the OIRs and AIRs.

Level of information need

This is a methodology to specify the granularity of information to support a given purpose. This should be defined as the minimum granularity to avoid over- production of information leading to waste.

Project’s Information standard

This establishes requirements on the exchange of information, the structuring and classification of information, assignment of level of information need and use of information in the operational phase of the asset.

Project’s Information Production Methods and Procedures

This establishes the methods and procedures required to be used when generating, reviewing, distributing or delivering information.

BEP BIM Execution Plan

This specifies the delivery plan which will be undertaken by the delivery team as a response to the received tender documentation. It includes, amongst other things, who is responsible for providing information, as well as who will be undertaking which responsibilities within the delivery team.

Delivery team’s Mobilization Plan

This details the approach, timescales and responsibilities for the delivery team to be implemented during mobilization. This includes testing information exchanges between task teams and testing the proposed information production methods and procedures.

MIDP Master Information Delivery Plan

Developed from the BIM Execution plan, this is the primary plan for when information is going to be prepared, by whom and when. It also sets out the format and the timescales. Each information deliverable will be aligned to a defined project delivery milestone.

TIDP Task Information Delivery Plan

This is a plan, developed by each task team, which is incorporated into the Master Information Delivery Plan based on the agreed responsibilities outlined within the BIM Execution Plan.

Delivery Team’s Risk Register

This details the delivery team’s risk associated with the timely delivery of information deliverables in accordance with the EIR. Considered risks include (amongst others), meeting the information delivery milestones and adoption of the project’s information standard.

PIM Project Information Model

This is the aggregation of information developed during the design/construction phase of the project. Information that forms the PIM is created by the project team controlled by the CDE workflow. As the project develops so too will the PIM, which will increase in both size and accuracy; starting as a design intent progressing to a record of construction once complete.

COBie Construction Operation Building Information Exchange

This is a structured method of exchanging information about maintainable assets. COBie, often delivered as a spreadsheet, has a pre-defined structure that is used to share this information in both a human-readable and machine-interpretable manner.

AIM Asset Information Model

This is the aggregation of information needed to support the management and operation of the asset (infrastructure or building). The AIM is typically formed or updated using a subset of the PIM at the handover stage of a project. The AIM will continually be updated and developed as information is provided following works that affect the asset.

Global BIM adoption

Governments around the world have already or are starting to introduce different requirements to embed the adoption of BIM. In April 2016 the UK Government introduced a condition of contract requiring all Government commissioned construction projects to be delivered at ‘BIM Level 2’ competence. In Singapore it became mandatory in 2015 for all projects greater than 5000 Sqm. Germany has mandated construction of public infrastructure works to adopt with BIM processes from 2020 and Hong Kong has issued a number of circulars to foster the adoption of BIM technology in public works projects.

With the publication of ISO 19650, parts 1 and 2, BIM will now move to having an internationally agreed definition. ‘BIM according to ISO 19650’ defines the minimum requirements and gives further recommendations to applying best practice to BIM.

BSI BIM journey

BIM solutions

BIM Verification for Design and Construction

Based on ISO 19650 (Parts 1 and 2), this has been developed for any organization involved in using BIM. It will help you demonstrate your BIM capability through independent and impartial third-party verification.

BIM training

Whether you’re an owner, design consultant, main contractor, sub-contractor, or project manager, training will help you to understand the opportunities that collaboration brings within a virtual digital environment.

You may want to know how to implement BIM within your organization or supply chain, or expand BIM knowledge internally so that all teams have a good understanding. Or you may have a specific requirement for more detail – whether that’s health and safety or asset management.

BSI is instrumental in shaping international standards, and you’ll benefit from the knowledge of our tutors who are experts in their field. visit:

Building Information Modelling (BIM) Fundamentals are in all courses of engineering

This is designed to raise your awareness and introduce you to the basic principles of BIM.

It will explain how BIM principles help to reduce waste in construction and asset management. We’ll provide you with an overview of the standards that define BIM implementation and the fundamental processes of a Common Data Environment (CDE).

This course is ideal if you’re adopting BIM practices into your organization or helping your clients or supply chains to adopt it.

It will be particularly useful for construction and asset management professionals including project managers, asset managers, designers, constructors, manufacturers, maintenance contractors, and information managers.



Dr Francesco Dergano

CEO of @skydatasol (dormant) — Principal of @kamiwebproject — Lead Research Manager of The Antarctic National Security Framework — Full-Time Student